brendan schilling
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In this article, Head Analyst for Immortals, Brendan Shilling discusses how elemental dragons may impact both the general flow of the game, and, more specifically, lane swaps on the professional stage.
brendan schilling
brendan schilling
Apr 20, 2016
OG vs TSM Game 1 In the very beginning of the game both teams take up defensive positions. They spread out their trinket wards to cover the entrances to the each jungle area.
brendan schilling
brendan schilling
Nov 23, 2015
Note: For item and dragon timers I used decimal places for the seconds value instead of the standardized colon for timers. Example, instead of 34:50 you would see 34.50 instead. So when you see sightstone saying 10.
brendan schilling
brendan schilling
Oct 24, 2015
Quick Overview: This article is focused entirely on the Flash Wolves. It contains data and analysis I have done on specific areas.
brendan schilling
brendan schilling
Oct 15, 2015
In this article I will be going over the top bans on red side, blue side, and combined bans for each group. The objective is to notice what each group is prioritizing along with the differences and similarities each group may have.
brendan schilling
brendan schilling
Oct 7, 2015
In the current patch there are a few standout power picks that are essentially must bans on red side. Lulu, Gangplank, and Mordekaiser are the three main bans. Lulu and Gangplank can be flexed in the top and mid lane.
brendan schilling
brendan schilling
Oct 1, 2015
This analysis will be on Ssumday, the top laner for KT Rolster. Ssumday is not a player who magically appeared in the scene and was instantly recognized as a great top laner.
brendan schilling
brendan schilling
Sep 23, 2015
This analysis is on Acorn, the top laner of LGD. Acorn has been on several different teams over the years that have had some great success. He used to be on GSG, MVP blue, Samsung Blue, and now he is on LGD.
brendan schilling
brendan schilling
Sep 8, 2015
This analysis is focused on TBQ, the jungler for LGD. TBQ is not known as one of the mechanical beast junglers from China like Clearlove, Swift, or Spirit.
brendan schilling
brendan schilling
Sep 3, 2015